I was working with an interview team recently and the Project Manager said, “I really don’t like to have to give presentations to win work. I wish that They panel could hear from my past clients about what a great job we did.”
That is exactly why it is so important to let your past clients speak to the panel through testimonials. Allowing your happy clients to brag about you rather than singing your own praises has greater impact.
For each of the hot button topics you have identified for this interview, try to get a short testimonial which validates your ability to deliver a favorable outcome.
When you can get video, or audio it is very powerful. However, when that is not possible, all you need is a sentence of two from a past client on a subject that is a hot button for the panel.
Here is a script that will help get you started on your testimonial collection. Feel free to infuse your style!
You can gather these by phone, email or in person.
Here is an example: When you call, engage them in general conversation. Then at an appropriate time,
Oh, by the way, you had mentioned that you were extremely pleased with the work we did/are doing for you on ____________________________ (project name).
We have been collecting short quotes from satisfied clients and stakeholders.
How would you describe our handling of (hot button issue)____________________________ in two or three sentences?
What impact did that have on the project? Did it save you money, time, mitigate a challenge? If it saved money, approximately how much?
Would you be so kind as to allow us to share your words with others who might want a sense of how we can add value to their project? I will put it in an email for you to okay it before sharing it with others.
Thank you so much.
If a client or stakeholder pays you a complement in casual conversation, don’t just let that go into the stratosphere. Ask:
Would you be so kind as to allow us to share your words with others who might want a sense of how we can add value to their project? I will put it in an email for you to okay it before sharing it with others.