Found In Presentation Skills Tips

Taming the Gremlin

The gremlin is a powerful force that can completely derail your presentation. You know who he is.  He is that terrible voice in your head that is overly harsh and unrealistically critical when you are practicing or delivering your presentation.  He says things to...
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Avoid Pushing Too Much

It is a good thing to have energy, enthusiasm and conviction in your presentation but be careful not to over do it.  Here is an example of what pushing too much looks and sounds like: Phil Davison, GOP Candidate, Delivers Stark County Treasurer Speech,...
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Your Recipe for Speaking Success

I was recently leading an in-house, 5 session workshop for a construction company.  After our first workshop, I gave the participants an assignment to prepare for a one-on-one session with me the following week.  A couple of the guys came to that individual meeting...
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