It depends. One job I had, many years back, required me to do a 45 minute sales training followed by a soft “pitch” to invest in additional training. Strategic parts of the presentation were customized to the client’s needs. However, most of the pitch...
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Question: Where should I stand in relation to my PowerPoint?
Ideally you, the speaker, should be center stage. Unfortunately most presentation spaces are set up with the projection screen smack dab in the middle of the room. This sets up your PowerPoint to be the center of attention not you. This also keeps your...
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Question: Should I memorize my presentation?
It depends. One job I had, many years back, required me to do a 45 minute sales training followed by a soft “pitch” to invest in additional training. Strategic parts of the presentation were customized to the client’s needs. However, most of the pitch...
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Using the Voice to Make Your Message Memorable
Your voice is an instrument that, when used effectively, acts as a verbal yellow highlighter directing your selection panel to what is most important to remember in your presentation. You wouldn’t be able to fall asleep on a roller coaster. The twists and turns...
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What Your Audience Remembers
Do you remember the details of a conversation you had last week? Probably not. The audiences you present to will not remember everything you say. Therefore it is imperative that you decide what are the most important elements you want them to retain. Questions...
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Trust Determined In Less Than a Minute
First Impression: Do I trust you The British Psychological Society blog describes a study in which university students were asked to rate several character traits of a person after seeing their photo for just 100 milliseconds. “The ratings they gave the faces correlated strongly...
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Where is your focus when presenting
Not too long ago, I went with some friends to do indoor rock climbing. I had never done it before and to be quite honest I am not good with heights. The different climbs are designated by various colored tape on each of the...
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The Messenger Matters in Effective Presentations
A sales manager who recognized me from my picture in The Business Journal approached me at a recent networking event. He was incredibly frustrated. His team of 12 salespeople had a 30-minute scripted presentation they were to deliver, at the end of which was...
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Aim Well, Hit Your Presentation Target Consistently
On a recent episode of "The Apprentice," six remaining contestants were asked to divide into three teams of two. They then were directed to create and deliver a presentation: a promotional campaign for Tower Two of the Trump International Hotel and Towers in Las...
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Football Fan’s Guide to Winning Presentations, Part II
How many times have you been about to give a presentation or meet with a client and you just weren't feeling in "In the Zone?" What elements are necessary to get there?
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