I know most folks hate practicing. It’s not fun. There are countless other things you could be doing that would be imminently more enjoyable and offer more immediate gratification. There are a million other things you could be doing. But disciplined practice is the...
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One of the elements I work with my clients on is authenticity in presentations. But the microcosm of presentations allows us to improve the authenticity and effectiveness of all the mini-presentations, or communication events that occur in a day. Authenticity is a perception. It...
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Useful stories and examples…
Create a story repository to document examples that can be used in prepared presentations and Q & A responses. This makes it easy to come up with project related stories and examples that validate your team’s ability to deliver a positive outcome to clients....
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Don’t try to fix everything at once
Presentation skills offer an ever evolving opportunity to progress. It can be overwhelming to think of all the ways you can improve and become more effective. To minimize overwhelm and maximize improvement, focus on no more than two improvement areas at a time per...
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To theme or not to theme…
Coming up with a theme for your presentation makes the experience more memorable for your selection panel. It simplifies the message and makes it stick. The team is often so close to the material that have difficulty summing it up in a simple, memorable...
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Get a little closer, don’t be shy…
Yes, I am quoting the famous Arid Extra Dry commercial. However, it rings true for many presenters as well. More often than not, presenters stand as far away from the audience as possible. This is particularly the case if the room is large and...
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The Power of Words
From You Tube: This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world. Watch this short video The Power of Words. Both the message and the messenger influence the degree to which you impact your...
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What you do versus what you say
What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear you speak. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Making a positive impression on the selection panel requires that what they see, hear and feel are in harmony. If they are not, it discredits the messenger. For...
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Eye Contact Part II: Intensity of gaze
Last month I mentioned how important it was to hold eye contact with your audience for 2-3 seconds or a complete thought in order to establish trustworthiness. If you missed it you can read it along with all previous newsletters on my website blog....
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Younger team members?
I was recently asked: “What can be done in a project interview to minimize the perception that a team member is too young for the job?” I’ll share with you how I have coached younger PM’s in the past that has been successful. One...
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