Are your beliefs supporting or hindering your desire to be a more effective speaker? “What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become what you believe.” – Oprah Recently I was preparing a very bright and...
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Ponder This
“Presentations are a tool for high-stakes internal and external communications. Presentations all too often reflect the agenda of the presenter rather than build a connection with the audience. This is unfortunate because presentations could be considered the last branding frontier, in terms of both...
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Question: What should I do if I find myself going off on a tangent when giving a presentation
This is one reason why rehearsing your presentation is so critical. Practicing increases the likelihood that you will stay on track and hit your key points without getting a case of verbal vomit. However, if it does happen use this simple strategy: 1. Stop...
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Transitioning Speakers
Speaker transitions can be made more smooth and effective by: 1. Having the current speaker, we’ll call her Jane, introduce the upcoming speaker: “I’d now like to have Bob Jenson, your Project Superintendent come up and discuss our phasing plan.” 2. As the speakers...
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Voice Demonstrating Discomfort?
Some speakers demonstrate their discomfort in their voice. Most often, when we are nervous or uncomfortable we go higher in our vocal register. The solution is to go much lower in the vocal register temporarily without getting monotone. This will have a calming affect...
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Sincerity: You can’t fake it until you make it
Sincerity is paramount to your message having an impact. If a speaker comes across insincere, we tend to discredit the speaker and dismiss their message. No one will buy your message until they buy you. Let’s take the example, “I am passionate about working...
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Demonstrate Good Listening Skills in Your Project Interviews
You show the client how well you will listen to them on the project by how well you listen in the project interview. Do you attentively listen to the other members of your team when they are presenting? Do you talk over people? Did...
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Question: Is it possible to over practice?
Typically no. Quite often, those most concerned about over-practicing just want an excuse not to practice. Or they are afraid that repetition will make them bored with the material come time for the actual presentation. The key is to show up to the presentation...
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Question: What is the ideal pace for a presentation?
Nothing is worse than a presentation that drags. Your presentation’s pace is determined by the rate of speech, transitions, as well the movement of visual elements. 1. The rate of speech should not be slow and deliberate but rather energetic and lively if you...
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Question: What if I mess up during my presentation?
1. Pause and take a deep breath in and out. This will buy you time to collect your thoughts. The pause will feel longer to you than it feels to the audience. 2. Don’t panic. You can’t get back on track unless you stay...
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