The last newsletter focused on the first component of building Q & A confidence, preparation. If you missed it, it is on my blog. The second component is planning: 2. Planning: A common start to questions might be “Tell us about a situation…” or...
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Building Q & A Confidence Part I
Some folks like Q & A better than the prepared presentation because they feel like it is less pressure. Others feel tremendous anxiety over responding to questions and feel greater comfort in the predictability of the prepared presentation. Just like a good football team...
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Ideal Rate of Speech?
When you have a team of presenters, the rate of speech should not be the same for everyone and at all times or you will lull your panel into a coma. Presenters should not deliver material at the same rate. In particular, those presenting...
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Interview presentations, the postal service and “sticky” communication
The postal service delivers tons of communication daily. We expect all of that communication we send to be delivered as intended or returned to us if it does not make it delivered to the intended recipient. Most are opened by the recipient, but there...
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Is Passion Enough to Make One Charismatic?
I was conversing with someone on the topic of charisma recently. He shared that when he coached his team to be more engaging, he felt passion was the most important element. While passion is an important attribute of charismatic people, it is not that...
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Take a Peek Inside One of Hilari’s Charisma Clinics
My popular workshop, “The Charisma Clinic”(TM) is the first component of the comprehensive Project Interview Excellence Program (TM). Although, some clients choose to do this powerful half-day workshop alone. The link to view part of it is at then end of this article. Charisma...
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Self-Consciousness vs. Self-Awareness in Winning Project Interviews
Self-consciousness is deadly to a presenter. It exacerbates nervousness. When a presenter is self-conscious, they are focused internally-ME focused. They are engrossed by the critical voice inside their head that picks apart everything they are saying and doing: words, movement, gestures… They are unaware...
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Follow the football fan’s guide to winning presentations
by Hilari Weinstein, originally published in The Business Journal of Phoenix – December 22, 2006 ‘Tis the season — football season. I admit it. I am a successful professional woman with a weakness: I love my football. Every year, I get a glimmer in...
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Can you relate?
With budgeting season upon us, now is the perfect time to give me a call to develop a support plan and budget the resources to help you actualize it. Even if you have had training in the past, High Impact Communication has a unique...
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What not to say in an interview/proposal
It has been said that it is not always what you say but how you say it. Sometimes a minor adjustment can make a huge difference in how your audience feels about your message. Some useless filler words: Obviously Basically Actually If you will...
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